1. "¿A que hora te despiertas los fines de semana?" "_____ Si no tengo que trabajar, duermo hasta muy tarde."

2. "At what time do you wake up on the weekends?". "_____ if i don't have work, I sleep until very late."

3. Depends on

4. Depende

a. depende
b. desayuno
c. es necesario
d. suelo



The correct answer is "a. depende." In both the Spanish and English sentences, the word "depende" is used to express that the waking up time varies depending on the situation. So, if the person doesn't have to work, they sleep until very late.

To arrive at this answer, you can identify the keywords in the question and the given statement. In this case, the keyword is "hora" or "time" in English. Then, you can look for the answer choice that goes with that keyword. In this case, "depende" is the correct answer because it matches the meaning of the sentence structure.