"¿En que actividades extracurriculares participas tú?" "_____ todos los martes."

a. tocas en el banda
b. participamos en el anuario
c. escriben para el periódico
d. practico artes marciales

i'm confused. isn't it asking what extra curricular activities do you participate in? it could be any of those choices..?

OK. Do the same 4 steps! It could NOT be anything other than 1 choice there.


No guessing! I want to see that you can follow the steps!


Yes, you are correct. The question is asking about the extracurricular activities you participate in. Given the options, any of them could be a possible answer, depending on the activities you are involved in. Therefore, you can choose any of the options as a response, based on your actual participation in extracurricular activities.

You're correct, the question is asking about the extra-curricular activities you participate in. All of the options provided could potentially be correct, depending on the activities you take part in. To determine the correct answer, it is helpful to understand the verb conjugation in the blank space.

The phrase "_____ todos los martes" tells us that the correct answer must be in the first-person singular form since it refers to something you do individually. Let's analyze the options based on their verb conjugation:

a. "toca en la banda" (he/she plays in the band)
b. "participamos en el anuario" (we participate in the yearbook)
c. "escriben para el periódico" (they write for the newspaper)
d. "practico artes marciales" (I practice martial arts)

Based on the conjugation, the correct answer would be "d. practico artes marciales." This statement translates to "I practice martial arts every Tuesday."