Table 1

Variables in the ZYX Case Study
Variable Typical Value Level of Measurement (Attribute/Numeric)
Position Title Ordinal
Income < $25k Ratio
Education Bachelors Ordinal
Commute < 30 min Ratio
Gender Male, Female Nominal
Job Sat. 56 Ratio
Stress 10 Interval
Interest 2 (coded) Ratio
Table 2
Research Question Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Rate your satisfaction level (1 to 5) of the ZYX Company since the move. 1= very satisfied, 2= satisfied, 3= just okay 4= unsatisfied, 5= terribly unsatisfied Rate your satisfaction level (1 to 5) of the ZYX Company since the move. 1= very satisfied, 2= satisfied, 3= just okay 4= unsatisfied, 5= terribly unsatisfied
What has been the greatest challenge for you as an employee since the move from Thousand Oaks to Irvine? What has been the greatest challenge for you as an employee since the move from Thousand Oaks to Irvine?
Knowing that the ZYX Company will not relocate back to Thousand Oaks, what would help you acclimate to the new environment? Knowing that the ZYX Company will not relocate back to Thousand Oaks What would help you acclimate to the new environment.

Phase II: Descriptive Analysis
Table 3
Summary Measure of Position
Position Frequency, f Cumulative Frequency, Cf Relative Frequency, Rf Cumulative Rf
Administrative 36 36 36/255
0.141 0.141
Blue Collar 13 36+13=49 13/255
0.051 0.141+0.051=
Managerial 52 49+52=101 52/255
0.204 0.192+0.204=
Professional 128 101+128=229 128/255
0.502 0.396+0.502=
Other 26 229+26=255 26/255
0.102 0.898+0.102
Total 255 1

Table 4
Summary Measure of Income
Income Frequency, f Cumulative Frequency, Cf Relative Frequency, Rf Cumulative Rf
<$25k 40 40 40/255
0.157 0.157
$25k - $35k 72 40+72=112 72/255
0.282 0.157+0.282=
$36k - $45k 71 112+71+183 71/255
0.278 0.439+0.278=
$46k - $55k 36 183+36=219 36/255
0.141 0.717+0.141=
$56k - $65k 16 219+16=235 16/255
0.063 0.858+0.063=
>$65k 20 235+20=255 20/255
0.078 =0.999
Total 255

Table 5
Summary Measure of Education
Education Frequency, f Cumulative Frequency, Cf Relative Frequency, Rf Cumulative Rf
High School 23 23 .0901 .0901
AA 85 108 .3333 .4234
Bachelors 114 222 .4470 .8704
Masters 28 250 .1098 .9802
Doctorate 5 255 .0196 1.001
Total 255 858 .9998 3.365
Table 6
Summary Measure of Commute Time
Commute Time Frequency, f Cumulative Frequency, Cf Relative Frequency, Rf Cumulative Rf
<30 min 133 133 .5215 .5215
30 min – 1 Hr 80 213 .3137 .8352
1.1 – 2 Hrs 25 238 .0980 .9332
2.1 – 3 Hrs 17 255 .0666 .9998
Total 255 839 .9998 3.289
Table 7
Summary Measure of Gender
Gender Frequency, f Cumulative Frequency, Cf Relative Frequency, Rf Cumulative Rf
Female 116 116 .4549 .4549
Male 139 255 1 1.4549
Total 255 371 1.4549 1.9098

Table 8
Summary Measure of Interest
Interest Frequency, f Cumulative Frequency, Cf Relative Frequency, Rf Cumulative Rf
1 Strongly Agree 78 78 .3058 .3058
2 Agree 78 156 .6117 .9175
3 No Opinion 31 187 .7333 1.6508
4 Disagree 35 222 .8705 2.5213
5 Str. Disagree 33 255 1 3.5213
Total 255 898 3.521 8.9167
Summary Measure of Numeric Variables
Table 9
Summary Measure of Job Satisfaction
Central Tendency
n Mean Median Mode
255 62.2 63 61
Std Dev Variance Range Min/Max
11.96 143.00 70 19/89

Table 10
Summary Measure of Stress
Central Tendency
n Mean Median Mode
255 25.67 20 10
Std Dev Variance Range Min/Max
22.74 517.27 120 0/120

i need help with the chi square
Chi-Square Calculations
Chi-Square Position Income Education Commute Gender
Collapse dataa? 0.263 0.317 0.324 0.235 0.187
Hypothesis Ho:
Significance Level 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Test statistic ×2

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