"¿Dónde está mamá?" "Fue a la farmacia. Dijo que necesita ______."

a. crema de afeitar y unos labios
b. maquillaje y perfume
c. una maquina de afeitar y una escalera
d. maquillaje y un mostrador

B?--makeup and pharmacy

B?--makeup and PERFUME

b. makeup and perfume = Sí


Correct! The answer is B: maquillaje y perfume (makeup and perfume). To get the answer, you can analyze the conversation between the two individuals:

"¿Dónde está mamá?" ("Where is mom?")
"Fue a la farmacia. Dijo que necesita ______." ("She went to the pharmacy. She said she needs ______.")

From the given options, it is apparent that the mother went to the pharmacy to buy certain items. Option B, "maquillaje y perfume" (makeup and perfume), aligns with the context of the conversation. Therefore, B is the correct answer.