Can someones please check my work?

1. Why does a liquid take the shape of whatever container it is in but does not expand to fill the container completely?

A: It takes the shape of its contaienr because its particles can slip past each other. but it has fixed volume and does not diffuse like gas so it doesn't completely fill the container.

2. Describe the connection between kinetic energy and the movement of particles in a substance.

A: The more kinetic energy particles have, the faster they move. They get more excited.

3. Which physical propery is the ratio of the mass of a substance divided by its volume?

A: Density.

4. Mercury is a metal with a melting point of -39C and a boiling point of 357C. What is its state at:0C, 500C, -1C

A: 0C = solid, 500C = gas, -1C = solid

5. the melting point of silver metal is 962C, and its boiling point is 2162C. Describe how the particles appear in silver at 900C and at 3000C.

A: 900C = there are some space between particles. 3000C = there is a lot of space between particles.

Are they correct? If not, please correct me.

Thank you very much!

Mercury needs work. If the freezing point is -39 C, then Hg will be a solid at or below -39 degrees C. I don't know if you are confused by melting point versus freezing point but bear in mind that they are the same thing (it just depends upon if the substance is a liquid and it's going to a solid or the other way around). So at both of those temperatures Hg will be a liquid. In fact, mercury is the ONLY metal in the periodic table that is a liquid at room T. There are ONLY TWO elements that are liquid at room T, Hg and Br. Hg is a metal. Br is a non-metal. Also, the silver question needs work. What you say can be loosely described as correct but I don't think that is the question. At the lower T Ag is a solid, at the higher T it is a gas. So I would make my description of the particles fit a solid (crystal structure, etc), and a gas.


im so sxe

:^ sure u r ......

So about the question...

All correct so far Well Ik all this stuff however like DrBob222 said ! :] >.<

1. Your explanation for the first question is partially correct. A liquid takes the shape of its container because its particles can slip past each other, allowing them to fill the shape of the container. However, the reason it does not expand to fill the container completely is because of the intermolecular forces between the particles, which keep them close together and prevent them from spreading out too much.

2. Your explanation for the second question is correct. The kinetic energy of particles in a substance is directly related to their movement. Higher kinetic energy means the particles move faster and have more energy to overcome the forces holding them together.

3. You answered correctly for the third question. The property that is the ratio of the mass of a substance divided by its volume is density.

4. Your answers for the fourth question are correct. At 0°C, mercury is solid. At 500°C, it is a gas. And at -1°C, it is solid.

5. Your answer for the fifth question is not entirely accurate. At 900°C, silver would be in its liquid state, not merely having some space between particles. At 3000°C, it would likely be in its gaseous state, with more significant gaps between particles.

Overall, most of your answers are correct, but there are a few minor inaccuracies.