"Ricardo, ¿recibiste la invitacion para la fiesta de cumpleaños?" "Sí, señora. ¿Cuántos años va a _____ su nieto?"

a. nacer
b. invitar
c. regalar
d. cumplir


I'd like to make a suggestion.

You'll learn more Spanish and won't have as much problem with these multiple choice questions if you work through the exercises that are in your book. You mentioned having trouble memorizing irregular verbs. Working through the exercises in your book and referring to it repeatedly, will help you understand what you are doing.

thanks Ms.Sue!

i do the exercises in my book.
but the reasons i post them up here:
1. when i don't understand one question
2. just to double check my answers; make sure they're correct

How much time are you spending each week on Spanish?

When I took high school Spanish a million years ago, I spent about 200 minutes in class and another 100 minutes at home each week. And Spanish was easy for me because I'd already taken 2 years of Latin.

i spend about 1-2 hours a day

are you still good at spanish?

No. I only took 2 years -- and that was about 60 years ago.

wow...that's amazing

i think homeschooling makes it tougher

(why does it seem like you're a little bit against homeschooling?)

Homeschooling is far more difficult. Must you do that, rather than regular classroom work? Is it possible to take some classes in school?

Yes, D is it.

The old adage "if you don't use it, you lose it" and a language is so much easier with interaction.


Sí, la respuesta correcta es la opción "d. cumplir".

Para llegar a esta respuesta, es importante entender el significado de las opciones y su contexto en la conversación. En este caso, la conversación menciona una fiesta de cumpleaños, por lo que la pregunta hace referencia a la edad que va a cumplir el nieto.

La opción "a. nacer" no es correcta, ya que se refiere al momento en el que el nieto nació, no a su cumpleaños.

La opción "b. invitar" no es correcta, ya que se refiere a la acción de invitar a alguien a la fiesta, no a la edad del nieto.

La opción "c. regalar" no es correcta, ya que se refiere a la acción de dar un regalo, no a la edad del nieto.

La opción "d. cumplir" es la correcta, ya que se refiere a la acción de cumplir años, lo cual es relevante en el contexto de una fiesta de cumpleaños.