Solve by substitution method.


What is the solution of the system? Type an ordered pair... Please help


to solve with substitution is simple. Set the second problem equal to y. then insert this value in for y in the first equation.


Take is from here.

To solve the system of equations using the substitution method, we can solve one of the equations for one variable in terms of the other variable and substitute that expression into the other equation. Let's solve the second equation for y in terms of x:

-5x + y = 27

Add 5x to both sides:

y = 5x + 27

Now substitute this expression for y in the first equation:

6x + 9(5x + 27) = -12

Distribute the 9:

6x + 45x + 243 = -12

Combine like terms:

51x + 243 = -12

Subtract 243 from both sides:

51x = -12 - 243

51x = -255

Divide both sides by 51:

x = -255/51


x = -5

Now substitute this value back into one of the original equations to solve for y. Let's use the second equation:

-5(-5) + y = 27

25 + y = 27

Subtract 25 from both sides:

y = 27 - 25

y = 2

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is the ordered pair (-5, 2).