Would it be a bad idea to start a concluding paragraph with hence?

That's OK if it's still about 1600 CE!!! But we're in 21st century USA, so ... probably not!

Hmmmm, I was thinking "In conclusion" but several websites said that it's obvious if you're concluding a paragraph and that stating so would be an annoyance. I'm not too sure how to end it now :(


Read through this and see if it gives you some good ideas. I'll also hunt up other websites that may help.

Here are some others:



Good ideas about introductions; scroll down almost to the end for the section on conclusions.

Starting a concluding paragraph with "hence" is not necessarily a bad idea, but it depends on the context and writing style you are aiming for. "Hence" is an adverb that means "as a result" or "therefore", so using it at the beginning of a concluding paragraph can help summarize your main points and show the logical conclusion of your argument.

To determine if starting a concluding paragraph with "hence" is appropriate, consider the overall tone and flow of your essay or writing piece. If you want to provide a clear and concise conclusion, using "hence" can signal that you are bringing all your arguments together and reaching a final point.

However, it's vital to vary your writing style and not overuse certain phrases or words throughout your essay. Using "hence" repeatedly can make your writing appear repetitive or monotonous. Instead, consider using other concluding transition words or phrases such as "in conclusion", "ultimately", or "to summarize" to add variety and maintain reader engagement.

In conclusion, starting a concluding paragraph with "hence" can be appropriate when you want to make a strong and concise conclusion. However, it is crucial to consider the overall context and style of your writing to ensure your conclusion is clear and impactful.