is this correct?

"En una fiesta familiar, ¿quién es la primera persona que _____ y sale?" "Yo, porque siempre tengo que levantarme temprano."
a. se hable
b. se escribe
c. se ve
d. se despide



Correct! The answer is "d. se despide." To arrive at this answer, let's break down the question and the possible answers.

The question is asking, "At a family party, who is the first person who _____ and leaves?" The correct answer should complete the sentence in a way that makes sense.

Let's look at the options:

a. se hable - This means "is spoken." This doesn't make sense in the context of the question because it is asking about the first person who does something.

b. se escribe - This means "is written." Again, this doesn't fit the context of the question.

c. se ve - This means "is seen." While someone may be seen at a party, this answer doesn't match the question of being the first person to do something and then leave.

d. se despide - This means "says goodbye" or "bids farewell." This is the best fit for the question, as someone can be the first person to say goodbye and leave a party.

Therefore, the correct answer is "d. se despide." Well done!