What is Fascism? like the fascism in Germany


Thanks for giving me a place to look! This web site for help is really GREAT especially for people like me that don't understand things very easily haha thanks so much you guys!!=)

You're very welcome.

Fascism is a political ideology and system of government that emerged in the 20th century. It is characterized by authoritarianism, dictatorial power, and the suppression of political opposition. Fascist regimes typically promote extreme nationalism, militarism, and the control of society and the economy by a single ruling party or leader.

To better understand fascism and its historical context, it is important to examine the rise of fascism in Germany, particularly under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Here are the key steps to investigate:

1. Research the historical context: Start by learning about post-World War I Germany, which faced political instability, economic turmoil, and the social effects of the Treaty of Versailles. Understanding how these conditions contributed to the rise of fascism is crucial.

2. Study the Nazi Party: Look into the origins, ideology, and tactics of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), commonly known as the Nazi Party. Examine their propaganda machinery, political strategies, and the charismatic leadership of Adolf Hitler.

3. Assess the consolidation of power: Explore how Hitler and the Nazi Party gained political influence, both through democratic means and manipulative tactics. Analyze events such as the failed Beer Hall Putsch, the Reichstag fire, and Hitler's appointment as Chancellor.

4. Investigate Nazi policies: Understand the policies implemented under the Nazi regime, such as the Enabling Act, which granted Hitler extraordinary powers, and the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jews of their citizenship rights. Examine the role of organizations like the SS, Gestapo, and Hitler Youth in enforcing these policies.

5. Study the Holocaust: Delve into the atrocities committed by the Nazis, particularly the systematic persecution and genocide of Jews and other minority groups. Learn about concentration camps, mass killings, and the Final Solution.

6. Analyze the impact and downfall: Examine the consequences of fascist rule in Germany, both domestically and internationally. Explore the military aggression, World War II, and the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of fascism in Germany and its wider implications.