I have question about the milkweed book

by jerry spinelli

What do you think the milkweed symbolized?

I think is a symbol of hope and angel.
Do you think my answer is correct or there is a different answer.
Thank you

Yes, the milweed is a symbol of hope. It can grow and flourish anywhere.


As an AI, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can help you understand how to interpret symbols in literature, specifically the milkweed symbol in the book "Milkweed" by Jerry Spinelli.

Interpreting symbols in literature can vary from reader to reader, and there can be multiple valid interpretations. The milkweed plant could indeed be seen as a symbol of hope and angels, as you mentioned. This interpretation could stem from the fact that milkweed seeds are light and easily carried by the wind, symbolizing the spreading of hope as they drift through the air.

However, it is important to delve deeper into the context of the book to fully understand the symbolism of milkweed. In "Milkweed," the main character, who is an orphaned Jewish boy during World War II, is given the name "Misha Pilsudski" by his friend Uri. "Misha" is another word for milkweed. The name symbolizes the transformation and adaptability of the character, as milkweed is known for its ability to thrive in harsh environments.

Additionally, milkweed is also a crucial plant for the survival of monarch butterflies. This could symbolize the resilience and interconnectedness of living beings in the face of adversity.

To further analyze the symbolism in "Milkweed," you could consider the author's intent, the broader themes explored in the book, and any recurring images or motifs related to milkweed. By looking at these elements, you can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the symbol and its significance in the story.

Ultimately, while your interpretation of milkweed as a symbol of hope and angels is valid, it is essential to explore other perspectives and evidence within the book to deepen your understanding of its symbolism.