"¿Qué programas de televisión te gustaban más?" "Me gustaban más las comedias. Yo las _____ a menudo."

a. iba
b. veía
c. comia
d. vivia
"What tv program do you like most? i like comedy most. I ___ often"

again, confused on the asnwer choicces

Did you look up those words?

ya, they're not in my dictionary

They are verb forms. I assume you have been studying the past tenses of verbs... so that is where you should look.

Always look for verbs under the infinitive:

ir, ver, comer, vivir

Now, what do you choose?


The correct answer is b. veía (was watching). In the first sentence, the question is asking about the television programs that you liked the most in the past. To respond to this, you would say "Me gustaban más las comedias" which translates to "I liked comedies the most."

In the second sentence, you are stating that you watched the comedies often. The Spanish equivalent of "I watched" is "yo veía." Therefore, the correct answer is "b. veía" which means "I watched" in English.

To choose the correct answer in this case, it's important to understand the meaning of each verb option:

a. iba - means "I used to go"
b. veía - means "I used to watch"
c. comía - means "I used to eat"
d. vivía - means "I used to live"

Since we are talking about television programs, the correct option is b. veía (I used to watch).