a population of 600 plants contains 294 AA, 252 Aa, and 54 aa individuals. the AA and Aa produce purple flowers while the aa plants produce white flowers. what are the frequencies of the following? please show work or explain how you got it. please

A. Allele A
B. Allele a
C. Genotype AA
D. Genotype Aa
E. Genotype aa
F. purple flowered plants
G. white flowered plants

Your total is 600 individuals. Divide the individuals in each category by 600.

A. If both the AA and Aa individuals have Allele A, then the proportion of individuals with Allele A = (294 + 252)/600. However, if you want the proportion of times that A occurs in the gene pairs, this is ([2*294] + 252)/(2*600).

Proceed in a similar way with the other problems.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

a population of 600 plants contains 294 AA, 252 Aa, and 54 aa individuals. the AA and Aa produce purple flowers while the aa plants produce white flowers. what are the frequencies of the following? please show work or explain how you got it. please

A. Allele A
B. Allele a
C. Genotype AA
D. Genotype Aa
E. Genotype aa
F. purple flowered plants
G. white flowered plants

There are 600 plants, each with 2 alleles. That gives a total of 1200 alleles in the population.

Since each of 294 AA individuals has 2 alleles, and each of 252 Aa individuals has 1 A allele:
A alleles = (294 * 2) + (252 * 1) = 588 + 252 = 840

Same general logic goes for a alleles:
a alleles = (252 * 1) + (54 * 2) = 252 + 108 = 360

F(A) = A alleles / total alleles
F(A) = 840/1200
F(A) = 7/10

F(a) = a alleles / total alleles
F(a) = 360/1200
F(a) = 3/10

The genotype frequencies are much easier to calculate.

F(AA) = # of AA individuals / 600

F(Aa) = # of Aa individuals / 600

F(aa) = # of aa individuals / 600

To find the frequencies of the different alleles and genotypes in the population, we will use some basic genetic principles.

A. Frequency of Allele A:
To calculate the frequency of allele A, we need to consider all the individuals in the population.

The number of copies of allele A can be calculated by adding together the AA and Aa individuals in the population:
Number of copies of allele A = Number of AA individuals + Number of Aa individuals
= 294 + 252
= 546

Since there are two copies of the allele in each individual (AA has two copies, and Aa has one copy), we need to multiply the number of copies by 2.

Total number of alleles in the population = Number of individuals * Number of alleles per individual
= 600 * 2
= 1200

Frequency of allele A = Number of copies of allele A / Total number of alleles
= 546 / 1200
= 0.455 (or 45.5%)

So, the frequency of allele A is 0.455 or 45.5%.

B. Frequency of Allele a:
To find the frequency of allele a, we can use the same steps as above.

Number of copies of allele a = Number of aa individuals
= 54

Frequency of allele a = Number of copies of allele a / Total number of alleles
= 54 / 1200
= 0.045 (or 4.5%)

So, the frequency of allele a is 0.045 or 4.5%.

Now, let's move on to the genotypes:

C. Frequency of Genotype AA:
To find the frequency of the AA genotype, we divide the number of AA individuals by the total number of individuals in the population:

Frequency of genotype AA = Number of AA individuals / Total number of individuals
= 294 / 600
= 0.49 (or 49%)

So, the frequency of genotype AA is 0.49 or 49%.

D. Frequency of Genotype Aa:
To find the frequency of the Aa genotype, we divide the number of Aa individuals by the total number of individuals in the population:

Frequency of genotype Aa = Number of Aa individuals / Total number of individuals
= 252 / 600
= 0.42 (or 42%)

So, the frequency of genotype Aa is 0.42 or 42%.

E. Frequency of Genotype aa:
To find the frequency of the aa genotype, we divide the number of aa individuals by the total number of individuals in the population:

Frequency of genotype aa = Number of aa individuals / Total number of individuals
= 54 / 600
= 0.09 (or 9%)

So, the frequency of genotype aa is 0.09 or 9%.

F. Frequency of purple flowered plants:
Purple flowers are produced by both AA and Aa genotypes. We can calculate the frequency of purple flowered plants by summing up the frequencies of AA and Aa genotypes:

Frequency of purple flowered plants = Frequency of genotype AA + Frequency of genotype Aa
= 0.49 + 0.42
= 0.91 (or 91%)

So, the frequency of purple flowered plants is 0.91 or 91%.

G. Frequency of white flowered plants:
White flowers are produced by the aa genotype. We can calculate the frequency of white flowered plants by using the frequency of the aa genotype:

Frequency of white flowered plants = Frequency of genotype aa
= 0.09 (or 9%)

So, the frequency of white flowered plants is 0.09 or 9%.