"¿Qué hicieron Uds. ayer?" "Yo _____ un crucigrama y Roberta hizo un rompecabezas

a. hizo
b. hice
c. hicieron
d. hago

i don't understand?

is answer B

can you explain?

mmm I try , is like what you guys did yesterday? I did a crossword and Roberta a puzzles,

I hope this helps i am spanish and sometimes is hard the translation.

yes i understand, thanks

What did you all do yesterday? I did a crossword puzzle and Roberta did a riddle/puzzle (jigsaw puzzle I could also be).


got it, thanks

To determine the correct answer, you need to analyze the sentence and identify the subject for the verb "hacer" (to do/make). In this case, the subject is "Yo" (I). Since the verb needs to agree with the subject in terms of person and number, you need to select the verb form that corresponds to "Yo" in the past tense.

The correct answer is "b. hice" because "hice" is the past tense form of the verb "hacer" that agrees with the subject "Yo." So, the correct translation of the sentence is: "I did a crossword puzzle, and Roberta did a jigsaw puzzle."