CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME AND TELL ME IF IM RIGHT even a guess would be good ive been trying 4 a answer since 6:00 PLEASE help me :/

i think that the 2nd one is correct because i no that energy is not lost when water is boiled it is gained because of the bubbles and electrons and atoms moving around. am i right??

Explain which statement is correct: energy is lost when water is boiled or the energy used to boil water is present, but it is no longer in a usable form unless you use work or heat to make it usable.

Based on the information provided, the correct statement is: "The energy used to boil water is present, but it is no longer in a usable form unless you use work or heat to make it usable."

To understand this concept, it's important to grasp the concept of energy. Energy is never really lost; it only transforms from one form to another. When water is boiled, heat is added to it, causing the water molecules to gain kinetic energy and move more rapidly. This increase in kinetic energy results in the formation of bubbles and the water reaching its boiling point.

However, it's crucial to note that not all the energy added to the water is available for immediate use. The energy used to boil water is still present, but it is no longer in a usable form. In this case, the energy has been converted into the kinetic energy of the water molecules.

If you want to convert the energy back into a usable form, you would need to apply work or add more heat to the system. For example, you could use the heated water to boil pasta or generate steam for other purposes. So, the energy used to boil water is not lost but rather transformed into a different form that requires some additional input to be utilized effectively.