is this correct?

"¿Vas a usar ese traje elegante para la fiesta de fin del año?" "No. Prefiero usar ropa más _____."
a. apretada
b. lisa
c. sencilla
d. clara



To determine the correct answer for the blank space in the statement, "No. Prefiero usar ropa más _____," you need to understand the context and meaning of the sentence. In this case, the person is stating that they prefer to wear something different instead of the elegant suit for the end-of-year party.

To find the best choice for the missing word, let's analyze the given options:

a. Apretada means tight. This option does not seem appropriate because tight clothing is not usually associated with a formal event like an end-of-year party.

b. Lisa means plain or smooth. While this could be a possibility, it might not convey the exact meaning the person is trying to convey.

c. Sencilla means simple. This option makes more sense in the context of the sentence. The person is expressing a preference for simpler clothing instead of the fancy suit.

d. Clara means clear. This option does not fit well in the context of the sentence.

After considering the options, the best choice for the missing word in the sentence is "c. sencilla." Thus, the correct sentence would be, "No. Prefiero usar ropa más sencilla."