what responsibility, (if any), does the government have toward the unemployed?

- should the government support people until they find work?
- should it provide public jobs when other jobs are unavailable?

give reasons to support your views
please help me come up with more points

More points?

What ideas do you have?

The government should have social responsibility towards the unemployed to a certain extent.

The social responsibility should start with unemployment benefits to the individual based on the income they were earning in their last job. Along with the unemployment benefits, the government should also provide medical benefits to the unemployed in state supported medical facilities so that they can continue to treat their chronic illnesses and any unforeseen medical emergencies.

Government should also provide them with some other financial benefits like food stamps, child care benefits and training for new careers if they are chosing to opt out of their current career due to reasons of not being able to find a job for say 6 months or so.

However, all the government’s social benefits should be limited to the individual over a period of time and should not be for as long as the individual doesn’t find job. If the benefits are never ending, that gives the individuals less incentive to look for jobs and we end up producing unproductive work force.

If an individual cannot find a reasonable job during the specified period, then his/her case should be reviewed on a case by case and guidelines should be set up whether to extend all or some of their benefits along with some programs that provide tools to the unemployed for job search in the market. There should also be resources and tools available to individuals that provide training/schooling for other careers and this training/schooling should be a short term program preparing the individual for another career on a crash course basis, not a 4 year degree program.

Government should not be in the business of providing jobs to the unemployed because that is not a government function. It is the function of the businesses to provide jobs to people and the job of the individuals to look for opportunities. The government’s job is just to provide tools for this job search and provide relief to the unemployed for a specific period until they are able to stand on their own.

my essay has to be 5 paragaraphs..so is there anything i should add or take out from this? if there's any editing necessary please do


This looks good! I have nothing to add or subtract from it.

ok, thanks

When discussing the responsibilities of the government towards the unemployed, opinions may vary depending on different socioeconomic and political perspectives. Here are some points to consider when exploring this topic:

1. Social welfare and safety net: One view suggests that the government has a responsibility to provide financial assistance and support to individuals who are unemployed. This may be in the form of unemployment benefits or welfare programs. The rationale behind this perspective is that unemployment can lead to financial distress and societal inequality, and it is the government's role to mitigate such hardships and ensure a basic standard of living.

2. Economic stabilization and workforce development: Another argument is that the government should actively support individuals until they find work, considering their role in maintaining economic stability. Unemployment impacts consumer spending, tax revenues, and overall economic growth. By providing temporary financial aid, job training programs, and resources for job searches, the government can help bridge the gap between unemployment and re-employment, thus stabilizing the economy.

3. Public job creation: In times of high unemployment and limited private sector job opportunities, some proponents suggest that the government should offer public jobs as a temporary solution. This approach can ensure that individuals can contribute to the economy while actively seeking permanent employment. Public job programs, such as infrastructure projects or public services, can fill in gaps, create employment opportunities, and stimulate economic growth.

4. Creating an enabling environment: Additionally, the government can play a role in fostering a favorable environment for job creation. This can include implementing policies that encourage economic growth and attract investments, supporting small businesses and entrepreneurship, providing education and training opportunities for skill development, and maintaining a stable and fair labor market.

5. Balancing fiscal responsibility: On the other hand, some argue that the government should prioritize fiscal responsibility and not have an extensive role in supporting the unemployed. From this perspective, the government's focus should be on creating an environment conducive to job growth rather than providing direct financial assistance. Critics may argue that excessive government support can lead to dependency, hinder personal motivation to find employment, and strain public finances in the long run.

It's important to note that there are various factors to consider when forming an opinion on this matter, including economic contexts, social values, and ideological beliefs. Therefore, researching and analyzing these different perspectives can help you form your own well-rounded view on the responsibility of the government towards the unemployed.