One tap can fill a barrel in 3 minutes and another can fill it in 6 minutes. Both taps are turned on together for 1 minute. What fravction of the barrel will be filled in 1 minute?

In 1 minute the first tap will fill 1/3 of the barrel and the other will fill 1/6 of the barrel.

1/3 + 1/6 = ?

th awnswer is this


5th grade math 86 and 85 5th grade math

To calculate the fraction of the barrel that will be filled in 1 minute, we need to determine the rate at which the combined taps can fill the barrel.

Let's start by finding the individual rates at which each tap can fill the barrel.

We know that the first tap can fill the barrel in 3 minutes, so its filling rate is 1/3 of the barrel per minute. Similarly, the second tap can fill the barrel in 6 minutes, giving it a filling rate of 1/6 of the barrel per minute.

Now, to find the combined filling rate, we add the filling rates of both taps together.

1/3 + 1/6 = 2/6 + 1/6 = 3/6

This means that together, the taps can fill 3/6 (which simplifies to 1/2) of the barrel in 1 minute.

Therefore, the fraction of the barrel that will be filled in 1 minute when both taps are turned on is 1/2.