is this correct now?

En la clase de español, los estudiantes van a escribir una _____."
a. capítulo
b. ejercicio
c. composición
d. informe


Sí = yes!


To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the given options and the context of the sentence.

The sentence states that in the Spanish class, the students will write something.

a. "Capítulo" means "chapter" and does not fit the context of writing in a Spanish class.

b. "Ejercicio" means "exercise" and could be an option, as students often do writing exercises.

c. "Composición" means "composition" and is a commonly used term for a written assignment in a language class.

d. "Informe" means "report" and may not be the best fit for a general writing assignment in a Spanish class.

Based on the context and commonly used terminology, "c. composición" is the most suitable answer.