the question is:

jim ran a mile in 3 min and 43 seconds how fast was his avrage speed. what was his avg. speed if the time was 353

3 minutes = 180 seconds; 3 min and 43 seconds = 180 + 43 = ??

Average speed in relation to what? You already know miles per hour: 3 43/60 mph.

To find the average speed, you need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken.

In the first scenario, Jim ran a mile in 3 minutes and 43 seconds. To convert this time to minutes, you add the seconds to the minutes. So, 3 minutes and 43 seconds is equivalent to 3 + (43/60) minutes, which is 3.72 minutes.

Therefore, to find the average speed, divide the distance (1 mile) by the time (3.72 minutes):
Average Speed = Distance / Time

Average Speed = 1 mile / 3.72 minutes

Calculating it, the average speed would be approximately 0.27 miles per minute.

Now, let's consider the second scenario, where the time is given as 353 minutes.

Again, to find the average speed, divide the distance (1 mile) by the time (353 minutes):
Average Speed = Distance / Time

Average Speed = 1 mile / 353 minutes

Calculating it, the average speed would be approximately 0.0028 miles per minute.

So, in the first scenario, Jim's average speed was about 0.27 miles per minute, and in the second scenario, it was about 0.0028 miles per minute.