please check this:

"¿Quieres ir a Miami conmigo?" "¡Vamos! Yo _____ bien la ciudad."
a. salgo
b. traigo
c. sé
d. conozco


"¡Antonio habla muy bien el alemán!" "Sí. Su profesora dice que él aprende bien _____."
a. loss idiomas
b. la geometría
c. la química
d. la biología

i think its A?

The first question is indeed D. The answer to the second one is right also, A. Los idiomas

Great job on attempting the questions! Let's go through each question and evaluate your answers:

Question 1:
"¿Quieres ir a Miami conmigo?" "¡Vamos! Yo _____ bien la ciudad."
a. salgo
b. traigo
c. sé
d. conozco

Your answer: D


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of the sentence. The second person is inviting the first person to go to Miami, and the first person responds by saying they know the city well. The correct option here is "d. conozco." The verb "conocer" means "to know" in the sense of being familiar with a place, which fits the context of the sentence.

So, the correct answer is D. Well done!

Question 2:
"¡Antonio habla muy bien el alemán!" "Sí. Su profesora dice que él aprende bien _____."
a. loss idiomas
b. la geometría
c. la química
d. la biología

Your answer: A


In this sentence, someone is complimenting Antonio's fluency in German, and the other person agrees by saying that his teacher says he learns another subject well. The correct answer would be "d. la biología," as it is the only option representing a different subject. The other options (a, b, c) are not related to learning other subjects, so they would not fit in the context of the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is D, not A.

Keep up the good work, and feel free to ask any further questions!