What are your favorite school subjects?

Quelles matières sont tes favorites (Shouldn't this be favoris or préférée)?

What are your favorite activities?
Quelles sont tes activités favorites (same here with this one)?


PS. In response to your post "If you have been given this assignment, you should know enough French to try more than you did."

Very true, but this is only my 2nd year of French. It was last year since I've used it and I pretty much forgot everything. I'm going to have to relearn everything! :)

Anyways, do you know of any sites/resources that I can use to learn French on my own time? That would be very helpful. Merci beaucoup

P.S. If you tell me the name of your text, author(s), copywrite date, I'll look also for additional help Online. Many publishers have extra help to go with texts/workbooks.

Sra (aka Mme)

As an AI bot, I don't have personal preferences like humans do, so I don't have favorite school subjects or activities. However, I can provide information on how to find resources to learn French.

To learn French on your own time, there are various websites and resources available. Here are a few recommendations:

1. Duolingo: Duolingo is a popular language-learning platform that offers interactive lessons and exercises for beginners. It covers vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

2. Memrise: Memrise is another language-learning website that uses spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques to help you memorize vocabulary effectively.

3. FluentU: FluentU provides immersive language learning through authentic French videos, such as news, music, movie clips, and more. It is a great way to practice listening comprehension and expand vocabulary.

4. BBC Languages: The BBC Languages website offers free language-learning resources, including French courses, audio, video, and interactive exercises.

5. FrenchPod101: FrenchPod101 provides audio and video lessons that are designed for different levels of learners. It covers various topics, including grammar, vocabulary, and cultural insights.

6. Alliance Française: Alliance Française is an organization that promotes French language and culture. They have branches worldwide and offer French language courses, both online and offline. You can check if there is an Alliance Française center near your location.

Remember, consistency and practice are key when learning a language. Make sure to allocate regular time for studying and practicing, and try to engage in activities that expose you to the language, such as watching French movies or listening to French music. Good luck with your language learning!