Identify the thesis statement in the article A Nation Apart. What strategies does the author use to formulate his argument? What makes the arguments so viable and compelling?

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To identify the thesis statement in the article "A Nation Apart," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the article carefully, paying attention to the main ideas presented.
2. Look for a sentence or two that clearly expresses the central argument or main point of the article.
3. The thesis statement can usually be found in the introduction or early paragraphs of the article, where the author presents their main idea.

As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific articles, so I cannot provide you with the actual thesis statement from "A Nation Apart." However, I can offer you some general strategies authors commonly use to formulate their arguments:

1. Clear, concise language: Authors often use precise and unambiguous language to state their thesis clearly.
2. Supporting evidence: Authors present facts, research, data, or expert opinions to bolster their argument and provide credibility.
3. Logical reasoning: Authors use logical reasoning to connect their claims and evidence, making their argument coherent and persuasive.
4. Counterarguments: Authors may anticipate and address potential counterarguments to showcase the strength of their position.
5. Organization and structure: Authors often organize their thoughts and ideas in a logical sequence, leading the reader through a series of points that support the thesis.

As for what makes arguments viable and compelling, it often depends on the specific context and audience. However, some general aspects that can make arguments more compelling include:

1. Strong evidence: Arguments supported by reliable, relevant, and up-to-date evidence are more convincing.
2. Emotional appeal: Strategic use of emotional language or storytelling can help engage the reader and make the argument more relatable.
3. Credible sources: Arguments supported by reputable sources or expert opinions carry more weight.
4. Clarity and conciseness: Arguments that are clearly articulated and easy to follow tend to be more compelling.
5. Effective counterarguments: Addressing and refuting opposing viewpoints demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and strengthens the argument.

Remember that these are general strategies, and it is essential to analyze each specific article individually to determine how the author formulates their thesis and presents their arguments.