This is a runon sentence could someone please help me I have tried changing it and still keep getting told my grammar checker that it is a run-on sentence.

Teachers are now teaching students the information that is necessary for them to do well on high stakes tests and not the curriculum that should be taught.

Grammar checkers are often unreliable. That is not a run-on sentence.

Teachers are now teaching students the information that is necessary for them to do well on high staked tests-not the curriculum that should be taught.

The dash adds punch and causes it not to be a run on.

Or, you could write this:

Teachers are now teaching students the information that is necessary for them to do well on high staked tests, which is not the curriculum that should be taught.

But I like the sentence with the dash better!

Twilight Lover's sentences have errors. Ms. Sue is correct.

To determine whether a sentence is a run-on or not, we need to understand what a run-on sentence is. A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are incorrectly combined without proper punctuation or conjunctions.

Looking at the sentence you provided: "Teachers are now teaching students the information that is necessary for them to do well on high stakes tests and not the curriculum that should be taught."

To check if it's a run-on sentence, we can identify and analyze the independent clauses:

1. "Teachers are now teaching students the information that is necessary for them to do well on high stakes tests."
2. "Not the curriculum that should be taught."

In this case, we have two independent clauses separated only by a conjunction ("and"). However, a conjunction alone is not sufficient to join these two clauses correctly. We have a couple of options to fix this:

1. Separating into two sentences:
"Teachers are now teaching students the information that is necessary for them to do well on high stakes tests. They are not teaching the curriculum that should be taught."

2. Using a coordinating conjunction:
"Teachers are now teaching students the information that is necessary for them to do well on high stakes tests, but they are not teaching the curriculum that should be taught."

By employing one of these strategies, you can correct the run-on structure and improve the clarity and coherence of your sentence. Remember to always review other potential grammar errors using reliable grammar-checking tools or proofreading.