
Why don't frogs have ribs?

Please Help!!
Thank You!!



Frogs actually do have ribs, just like most other vertebrates. Ribs are bony structures that form a protective cage around the organs in the chest or abdominal region. They provide support and help to protect vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and liver.

If you were told that frogs do not have visible ribs, it might be because their ribs are not as prominent as in some other animals. Unlike mammals, a frog's ribcage is not as pronounced, and the ribs are not connected to a sternum, the bone structure that connects and supports the front of the ribcage.

To observe a frog's ribs, you can either look at the skeleton of a frog or dissect a preserved frog specimen. This allows you to see the internal structures, including the ribs. However, it's essential to treat animals with respect and ensure that any specimens used are obtained ethically and legally.

I hope this explanation clarifies your question! If you have any more queries, feel free to ask.