a student has an avg of 57%. he has 2 test left which was are both worth 5% and 1 assigment worth 1 %. he also has 1 one big asigment worth 5%. how much would he need minimun in all these to get a 80% avg by the end of it?

If his average at this time is 57%, that is not passing. If he/she were in my class, there is no way to finish with an 80%, even with perfect scores on the remaining 16%.


To calculate the minimum scores needed to achieve a desired average, we can use the following formula:

Desired Average = (Sum of Current Scores + Sum of Future Scores) / (Total Number of Grades)

In this case, the student's desired average is 80%, and we need to calculate the minimum scores they would need to achieve that average. Let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Calculate the sum of the current scores.
The student's average is currently at 57%. We don't have the exact breakdown of their current scores, so let's assume they have completed all assignments and tests except the ones mentioned.

The sum of their current scores would be: Current Average * (Total Number of Grades)
Sum of Current Scores = 0.57 * 100 = 57

Step 2: Calculate the sum of the future scores.
The student has 2 tests left, each worth 5%, and 1 assignment worth 1%. Let's denote each test score as T1 and T2, and the assignment score as A1.

Sum of Future Scores = T1 + T2 + A1

Step 3: Calculate the total number of grades.
The total number of grades consists of all completed grades, plus the upcoming tests and assignments.

Total Number of Grades = Number of Completed Grades + Number of Upcoming Grades
Total Number of Grades = 100 (assuming the student has completed all other grades and there are no missing assignments or tests)

Step 4: Substitute the values into the formula and solve for the minimum scores required.

80 = (57 + T1 + T2 + A1) / 100

To solve for the minimum scores, we rearrange the equation:

80 * 100 = 57 + T1 + T2 + A1
8000 = 57 + T1 + T2 + A1

Now we have only one equation with three unknowns. To find a specific solution, we need more information, such as the relative weights of the tests and assignment within the remaining 11% of the grade. Without further information, it is not possible to determine the exact minimum scores needed for the desired average of 80%.