one example of the shift in attitudes brought about by the women's movement was a significant change in

a. racial discrimination
b. men's treatment of women
c. women's career goals
d. homemaking tasks

im not sure, is it C?

Right. It must be c.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze each option:

a. Racial discrimination: The women's movement primarily focused on gender equality and the rights of women. While the movement advocated for justice and equal treatment for all, including racial minorities, it did not directly address racial discrimination as its primary goal. Therefore, this option is unlikely.

b. Men's treatment of women: The women's movement indeed aimed to challenge and change societal attitudes and norms regarding men's treatment of women. Historically, women had been subject to various forms of gender-based discrimination and inequality, including unequal treatment by men. Through activism and advocacy, the women's movement sought to promote respect, equal rights, and fair treatment in relationships between men and women. Thus, this option is a plausible answer.

c. Women's career goals: The women's movement played a crucial role in challenging traditional gender roles and advocating for women's empowerment, including their access to education, career opportunities, and achieving their professional aspirations. The movement aimed to break barriers and provide women with more choices and agency when it came to their careers. Therefore, this option is also a possible answer.

d. Homemaking tasks: Although the women's movement did not disregard domestic responsibilities, its primary focus was on challenging social and legal barriers that hindered women's participation in public life, education, and the workforce. While the movement may have contributed to a discussion about the division of household tasks, it doesn't represent the significant change brought about by the women's movement. Thus, this option seems less likely.

Based on the analysis, both option b and c seem to be valid answers. The women's movement effectively influenced men's treatment of women and also led to a significant change in women's career goals. However, since the question asks for a single example, it is necessary to identify the most direct and impactful change. In this case, option b, men's treatment of women, can be considered the more specific and influential change brought about by the women's movement. Therefore, the correct answer is b.