Could you check these answers also thanks so much and god bless.

Directions: Indicate whether each item of clothing is for a man, woman, or for either.

1. un blouson
Answer: Les deux

2. Un chemisier
Answer: Les deux

3. Un pantalon
Answer: Les deux

4. Une jupe plissée
Answer: Femme

5. Une robe
Answer: Femme

6. Une chemise blanche
Answer: Homme

7. Un tailleur
Answer: Femme

Tres bonne les septs ici sont vrai

Très bien fait.

Sra (aka Mme)

To check the answers for whether each item of clothing is for a man, woman, or for either, you can refer to the French language grammar and conventions. Here's how you can do it:

1. un blouson: "Un" is a masculine article, but "blouson" is a noun that can be used for both men and women. Therefore, the answer would be "Les deux" (for either).

2. Un chemisier: "Un" is a masculine article, but "chemisier" is a noun that is used exclusively for women. Therefore, the answer would be "Femme" (for a woman).

3. Un pantalon: "Un" is a masculine article, and "pantalon" is a noun that is used for both men and women. Therefore, the answer would be "Les deux" (for either).

4. Une jupe plissée: "Une" is a feminine article, and "jupe" is a noun that is used exclusively for women. Therefore, the answer would be "Femme" (for a woman).

5. Une robe: "Une" is a feminine article, and "robe" is a noun that is used exclusively for women. Therefore, the answer would be "Femme" (for a woman).

6. Une chemise blanche: "Une" is a feminine article, but "chemise" is a noun that can be used for both men and women. However, the adjective "blanche" (white) suggests that this particular shirt is more likely to be worn by women. Therefore, the answer would be "Femme" (for a woman).

7. Un tailleur: "Un" is a masculine article, and "tailleur" is a noun that is commonly used for women's suits. Therefore, the answer would be "Femme" (for a woman).

Remember, these answers are based on general conventions and context, but there can always be exceptions and personal preferences.