1/sinx = sinx+cosxcotx

it's a proof and I have to make them equal to each other. Please help!

Use that cot(x) = cos(x)/sin(x)

We then have

sin(x) + cos^2(x)/sin(x) =

[sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)]/sin(x) =


To prove that 1/sinx = sinx + cosxcotx, we can start by manipulating the right-hand side of the equation.

First, let's simplify the expression sinx + cosxcotx using trigonometric identities.

We know that cotx is the reciprocal of tanx, so cotx = 1/tanx.

Therefore, sinx + cosxcotx can be rewritten as sinx + cosx(1/tanx).

Next, we can simplify the expression by finding a common denominator. Since sinx and cosx already share a common denominator of 1, we only need to adjust the denominator of tanx. The identity for tanx is tanx = sinx/cosx.

Substituting this identity into the expression, we have sinx + cosx(1/(sinx/cosx)).

Simplifying further, we have sinx + cosx(cosx/sinx).

Now, to find a common denominator, we multiply sinx by cosx/cosx:

sinx(cosx/cosx) + cosx(cosx/sinx).

This gives us (sinx*cosx + cos^2x) / sinx.

Using the identity sin^2x + cos^2x = 1, we can rewrite sinx*cosx as (1 - cos^2x).

Substituting this back into the expression, we have ((1 - cos^2x) + cos^2x) / sinx.

Simplifying further, we get 1/sinx = 1/sinx.

Therefore, we have proved that 1/sinx = sinx + cosxcotx.

To prove that 1/sinx = sinx + cosxcotx, we need to manipulate one side of the equation to make it equal to the other side. Let's break it down step-by-step.

Starting with the left side (1/sinx):

1. We know that the reciprocal of sinx is cscx (cosec x), so we can rewrite the left side as cscx.
- cscx = sinx

Now let's focus on the right side (sinx + cosxcotx):

2. We can rewrite cotx as cosx/sinx, since cotangent is the reciprocal of tangent.
- sinx + cosxcosx/sinx

3. We can simplify the expression by multiplying sinx to both terms inside the parenthesis:
- sinx(sinx) + cosxcosx

4. Distribute sinx into the parenthesis:
- sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)

The expression sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) is a well-known trigonometric identity, which equals 1. Therefore, we can simplify the right side to:

- 1 + 1
- 2

Now, comparing the left side (cscx) and the simplified right side (2), we see that they are not equal. This indicates that the given equation 1/sinx = sinx + cosxcotx is not true.

Hence, we cannot prove the equation as it stands.