Can you please check these answers:

1. If the first Now= -9, which equation represents this sequence?

-9, -4, 1, 6, 11

A. Next= Now -5
B. Next= Now + 5
C. Next= 5* Now -1
D. Next= 5* Now + 1

Answer: A

2. Which inequality statement is true?

A. 8 < (a square root sign with 78) <9
B. 38 < (a square root sign iwht 78) < 40
C. 77 < (a square root sign with 78) < 79
D. 6,083 < (a square root sign with 78) < 6,085

Answer: D

1. You are adding 5 to each number rather than subtracting. Look again.

2. What is the square root of 78? Isn't it between the square root of 64 and 81?

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To check the answers for these questions:

1. For the first question, you are given the sequence -9, -4, 1, 6, 11. And it is stated that the first Now value is -9. To determine the equation that represents this sequence, we need to find the pattern between consecutive terms.

Looking at the sequence, we can observe that each term is obtained by adding 5 to the previous term. So, the equation representing this sequence is of the form Next = Now + 5.

Now, let's check the given options:

A. Next = Now - 5: This option suggests subtracting 5 from the Now value, but that does not follow the pattern observed in the sequence.

B. Next = Now + 5: This option matches the pattern observed in the sequence. Adding 5 to each term in the sequence results in the subsequent terms.

C. Next = 5 * Now - 1: This option does not match the pattern observed in the sequence since it involves multiplying Now by 5.

D. Next = 5 * Now + 1: This option also does not match the pattern observed in the sequence since it involves multiplying Now by 5.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.

2. For the second question, we need to determine which inequality statement is true when comparing the square root of 78 with certain values.

To do this, we can first approximate the value of the square root of 78 using a calculator. The square root of 78 is approximately 8.83176.

Now, let's check the given options:

A. 8 < √78 < 9: This option states that the square root of 78 falls between 8 and 9, which is true since 8.83176 is indeed between 8 and 9.

B. 38 < √78 < 40: This option suggests a value excessively larger than the actual square root of 78, so it is not true.

C. 77 < √78 < 79: This option suggests a value excessively larger than the actual square root of 78, so it is not true.

D. 6,083 < √78 < 6,085: This option states a value that is much larger than the actual square root of 78, so it is not true.

Therefore, the correct answer is A.

Note: It is always helpful to be careful when working with approximation and ensure that you use accurate values to make your comparisons.