The term challenge for cause refers to a

A. request to dismiss a juror because of possible bias.
B. procedure questioned during the discovery stage.
C. judge’s decision to subpoena a witness.
D. plaintiff’s dispute regarding a physician’s malpractice.

please help!

answer is A

The term "challenge for cause" refers to the option for legal counsel to request the dismissal of a potential juror from a trial jury pool due to potential bias. The correct answer is A.

To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods:

1. Legal resources: Consult legal textbooks, law dictionaries, or online legal databases for definitions of legal terms. These sources often provide clear explanations and definitions of terms commonly used in the legal field.

2. Online search: Inputting the question into a search engine such as Google can often lead to reliable sources that explain legal terms and concepts. In this case, you could search for "definition of challenge for cause in law."

3. Consult legal experts: Lawyers, law professors, legal clerks, or online legal communities can provide valuable insights into understanding legal terminology and concepts.

By using these methods, you can acquire accurate information and confidently determine that the correct answer is A.