Factor: Y2 - 8Y - 20

the 2 is too the second power

(y-10)(y+2) ?


To factor the quadratic expression Y^2 - 8Y - 20, we need to find two binomials that, when multiplied, will result in this expression.

First, we look at the coefficient of the middle term, which is -8Y. We need to find two numbers that multiply to give -20 (the constant term) and add up to -8 (the coefficient of the middle term).

The numbers that satisfy this condition are -10 and 2. These numbers multiply to give -20 and add up to -8.

Therefore, we can rewrite the expression as follows:

Y^2 - 10Y + 2Y - 20

Next, we group the terms:

(Y^2 - 10Y) + (2Y - 20)

Now, we can factor out the common factors separately from each group:

Y(Y - 10) + 2(Y - 10)

Notice that we have a common factor of (Y - 10) in both terms. We can factor it out:

(Y - 10)(Y + 2)

So the factored form of the quadratic expression Y^2 - 8Y - 20 is (Y - 10)(Y + 2).