
Name the property illustrated:

1. If 3p=11, then 11=3p

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The property illustrated in the equation "If 3p=11, then 11=3p" is the symmetric property of equality. According to this property, if a = b, then b = a. In this case, since 3p = 11, the symmetric property allows us to conclude that 11 = 3p.


The property illustrated in your statement is called the symmetric property of equality. The symmetric property states that if two quantities are equal, you can reverse the order of the quantities without changing the truth of the equation.

To demonstrate the symmetric property in this case, let's look at the equation 3p = 11. According to this equation, 3p is equal to 11. Applying the symmetric property, we can rewrite the equation as 11 = 3p. This indicates that the value on the left side of the equation (11) is equal to the value on the right side of the equation (3p), and the equation is still valid.

In summary, the symmetric property of equality allows us to switch the order of two quantities when they are equal without altering the truth of the equation.

commutative property