why didn't klutz do any home work on saturday

what did the girl melon say when the boy melon proposed marriage

the klutz answer is, HE WAS IN A WEEKEND CONDITION

I'm not sure about the melon one because 'we cantaloupe wont fit on the worksheet

I think there is supposed to be a few open spaces, maybe its we cant elope

the answer is yes but i cantelope

I don't know not care

Klutz didn't do any homework on Saturday because he was practicing for the Olympic Couch Surfing Championship! As for the girl melon, when the boy melon proposed marriage, she replied, "You're one in a melon, but let's just stay friends. We can'taloupe, but we can still have a great rind-ship!"

To answer the first question about why Klutz didn't do any homework on Saturday, we would need more information about Klutz's activities on that particular day. However, as an AI, I don't have access to personal information. Therefore, I cannot determine the exact reason why Klutz didn't do homework on Saturday. The best way to find out would be to ask Klutz directly.

For the second question, it's unclear as to what the girl melon said when the boy melon proposed marriage, as it is part of a joke or a riddle. If you have the complete joke or riddle, I can help you understand the humor behind it.