During a survey, shoppers at a local mall were asked, "Which Baskin Robbins ice cream is your favorite flovor?" Determine whether the survey question is baised or unbaised. Exlpain the reasoning for the answer?

It's unbiased because presumably this survey is taken for Baskin Robbins. The question makes no attempt to influence the responder's choice of flavors.

Does the mall have a Baskin Robbins? If so, was the survey given in the store or elsewhere in the mall?

The question is "open-ended," so it is not biased. However, where the question is asked might bias the survey.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To determine whether the survey question is biased or unbiased, we need to assess if it influences or encourages a particular response from the shoppers.

The survey question, "Which Baskin Robbins ice cream is your favorite flavor?" appears to be unbiased. Let me explain why:

1. Open-ended nature: The question does not provide a list of predefined flavors or suggestions to choose from. It allows shoppers to freely express their personal favorite flavor without any limitations or bias toward particular options.

2. Specific focus: The question is clear and focused solely on Baskin Robbins ice cream flavors. It does not include any external influences or misleading information that might direct the shoppers' responses in a certain way.

3. Neutral tone: The question does not use any persuasive or leading language that might sway respondents in favor of a specific flavor. It simply asks for their personal preference, allowing individuals to express an honest opinion.

Based on these factors, we can conclude that the survey question is unbiased. It gives shoppers the freedom to choose any Baskin Robbins ice cream flavor as their favorite without influencing their decision.