Why did the Watergate break-in occure?

a. the Nixon White House wanted to get Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatric records
b. the Committee to Reelect the President wanted to wiretap the Democratic National Committee
c. the Committee to Reelect the President needed money to carry on its work
d. the FBI and the CIA wanted information about the Democratic presidential campaign

is it B?

Yes. B is correct.

Yes, the Watergate break-in occurred because the Committee to Reelect the President (also known as CREEP) wanted to wiretap the Democratic National Committee. This is option b.

To arrive at this answer, one way to find information about the Watergate break-in is to do research using reliable sources such as books, articles, or credible websites. A good starting point could be the Watergate scandal itself, which took place in the early 1970s. By examining different sources, you can gather facts and details about the event. The books "All the President's Men" by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, and "The Final Days" by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein themselves are considered valuable sources of information on this topic.

Once you have gathered information from reliable sources, you can analyze the different perspectives and accounts to come to a well-informed conclusion. In the case of the Watergate break-in, it is generally accepted that the intention was to wiretap the Democratic National Committee, as revealed through subsequent investigations, testimonies, and recordings.