Which expression represents (2x^3)(8x^5)/4x^6? I think it's 4x^2.

Yes, 4x^2


To simplify the expression (2x^3)(8x^5)/4x^6, we can start by simplifying each numerator and denominator separately before dividing.

Let's consider the numerator first: (2x^3)(8x^5). To multiply two expressions with the same base (in this case, x), we add their exponents. So, we have 2 * 8 = 16, and x^3 * x^5 = x^(3+5) = x^8.

Now let's consider the denominator: 4x^6. Since there are no variables inside the parentheses, we can simply divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents. So, 4 divided by 4 is 1, and x^6 divided by x^6 equals x^(6-6) = x^0. Any term raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Putting it all together, we have:

(2x^3)(8x^5) / (4x^6) = (16x^8) / (1x^0)

Remember that any number divided by 1 is itself, so:

(16x^8) / (1x^0) = 16x^8

Thus, the simplified expression is 16x^8, not 4x^2.