Why do people go to war to expand their national boundaries?

Economics, national pride, to prove that they are bigger and meaner than the other country. 'to see if they can'.

1. People on the other side of the boundary are close ethnically with the aggressive nation and may or may not want to reunite with their "cousins."

2. The aggressive nation may want the importance and power of more land.
3. The aggressive nation may want the resources of the other nation.
4. The aggressive nation may see itself as the center of a potential empire.

What does number 4 mean? Thank you

An empire is a huge expanse of land and people ruled by one government. Think of the ancient Persian, Roman, Holy Roman, British, and Soviet Empires. Germany under Hitler in the 1930s tried to create an empire.

People may go to war to expand their national boundaries for various reasons, such as economic gain, access to resources, political power, nationalism, or a desire for security. Historically, the expansion of national boundaries through warfare has been a common practice.

To understand why people go to war to expand their national boundaries, it is important to consider the motivations and perspectives of those involved. Here are a few key factors:

1. Economic gain: Expanding national boundaries can provide access to new markets, natural resources, or trade routes, which can boost an economy. The desire for economic expansion has driven many wars throughout history, with countries seeking to acquire territories rich in valuable resources or strategic locations.

2. Political power: Expanding territorial control can increase a nation's political influence and power on the global stage. Larger nations often have a stronger voice in international affairs and can exert their authority over smaller neighboring countries.

3. Nationalism: Many wars are driven by a sense of nationalistic pride and the desire to unify people who share a common culture, language, or history under a single government and territory. This can be seen in historical instances of nationalistic fervor, where people are willing to fight for the idea of a greater homeland.

4. Security concerns: Expanding national boundaries can provide a buffer zone, protecting a nation from potential invasions or threats from neighboring or rival powers. By controlling more territory, countries aim to enhance their military defense and secure their borders.

Understanding why people go to war to expand their national boundaries requires studying historical events, geopolitical factors, and the specific circumstances of individual conflicts. It is a complex topic that involves political, economic, and social dynamics, and motivations can differ significantly between nations and throughout history.