I am really confused and I think I have the wrong idea. Can you please take a look?


65 - 61 = 4 + 52= 56

-8 * 56


8*(-56) = -448, yes

thank you!!!

It seems you have a minor mistake in the calculation. Let's break it down step by step to get the correct answer.

To simplify the expression 8[-52-(65-61)]:

1. Start by evaluating the expression within the innermost parentheses, which is (65-61):
65 - 61 = 4

2. Now substitute the result back into the original expression:

3. Next, simplify the expression inside the square brackets:
-52 - 4 = -56

4. Finally, multiply the result by 8:
8 * -56 = -448

Therefore, the correct answer is -448.

If you have any specific questions or need clarification on any step, feel free to ask!