Describe how you might conduct a stakeholder impact analysis of this scenario using the stakeholder impact analysis approaches: moral standards, 5-question, and the Pastin’s approach methods.

The mayor of a small seaside town faces a tough decision. A prominent developer has submitted a proposal to build a large mall and resort in the town. This development is estimated to bring $150 million in tourism each year and several hundred new jobs to the community, which badly needs the economic boost. The proposed location of the new development, however, is a site that now houses the only nursing home and senior citizens’ recreation center in the area. Both the nursing home and recreation center would have to be demolished, affecting 100 seniors and 30 employees. There is no other location in town where the new development can be built. How should the mayor decide: in favor of economic prosperity or in defense of his elderly citizens?

To conduct a stakeholder impact analysis of this scenario using the stakeholder impact analysis approaches, let's examine the moral standards, 5-question, and Pastin's approach methods.

1. Moral standards approach:
This approach involves evaluating the impacts of a decision based on moral principles or standards. In this scenario, you would consider the moral values that may apply, such as justice, fairness, and the well-being of the elderly citizens. You can conduct the analysis by asking questions such as:
- What moral principles are relevant in this situation?
- Does the proposed development align with those moral principles?
- What are the potential consequences for the elderly citizens if the development takes place?
- How would the decision impact the economic well-being of the community?
- Are there alternative solutions that could mitigate the negative impacts on the elderly citizens?

By considering the moral standards approach, the mayor must weight the value of economic prosperity against the potential negative consequences on the elderly citizens affected by the demolition of the nursing home and recreation center.

2. 5-question approach:
The 5-question approach provides a structured framework for stakeholder analysis. The questions to consider in this approach are:
- Who are the stakeholders?
- What are the stakeholders' interests?
- What power or influence do the stakeholders have?
- What are the potential consequences for the stakeholders?
- What actions or decisions should be taken?

Here is how you could apply this approach to the scenario:
- Stakeholders: The mayor, prominent developer, elderly citizens, employees of the nursing home and recreation center, the community at large.
- Interests: Economic prosperity, job creation, the well-being of the elderly citizens, maintaining community resources.
- Power/Influence: The mayor has decision-making power, the developer has financial influence, elderly citizens and employees have limited power/influence.
- Consequences: Economic benefits vs. negative impacts on the elderly citizens and employees.
- Actions/Decisions: The mayor needs to weigh the interests, power dynamics, and consequences to make an informed decision that balances the competing stakeholder perspectives.

3. Pastin's approach:
The Pastin's approach focuses on ethical decision-making by considering four critical questions:
- Do you have accurate and adequate information?
- Have you identified the stakeholders?
- Have you considered the various alternative courses of action?
- Have you analyzed the ethical issues involved?

Using Pastin's approach, the mayor should:
- Ensure to gather accurate information on the economic benefits, impacts on the elderly citizens, and potential alternatives.
- Identify and consider all relevant stakeholders, including both directly and indirectly affected individuals.
- Evaluate alternative courses of action, such as finding an alternative location for the development or pursuing other economic opportunities.
- Assess the ethical issues involved, considering principles of social responsibility, fairness, and the impacts on vulnerable populations.

By going through these steps, the mayor can make a more informed decision that takes into account the ethical implications and potential consequences for all stakeholders involved.