All people have their own perspectives of war as being ideological human activity.


All people have their own perspectives of war a being idelogical.

Which one of these is correct? If not how can i fix it. Thank You

The adjective "ideological" needs to describe people -- because only people can have ideas. War cannot have ideas!!

Try breaking it into two sentences and being very straightforward about what you're trying to say. Then re-post.

All people have their own perspectives about ideological human activity related to war.

"Human activity" is not people or a person.

All people have their own ideologies about war.


All people have their own perspectives about the reasons for war.



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Neither of the options you provided is grammatically correct. Here's a corrected version:

"All people have their own perspectives on war as an ideological human activity."

This sentence emphasizes that individuals perceive war as an activity associated with ideologies. However, if you want to imply that the perspectives of war are ideological but not necessarily related to humans, you could modify the sentence as follows:

"All people have their own perspectives on war as an ideological phenomenon."

In both cases, it is essential to choose the option that best reflects your intended meaning.