You are taking a road trip to the beach for Spring Break. You leave at 12:00 pm. At 12:30 you stop for lunch 10 miles down the roads. You get back on the road and travel 75 more miles and realize that you need to stop for gas. You notice that it is now 1:10 pm. At the point in the trip, what is your average velocity in miles per hour?

Is it 72.6 mi/hr

You travelled 85 miles in 70 minutes (7/6 hour). Your average speed up to that time is 85/(7/6) = 72.86 mph

How did you get 72.6?

it was 1 of the options from the text book.

a- 1.21 mi/hr
b- 55 mi/hr
c- 65 mi/hr
d- 72.6 mi/hr

To calculate the average velocity, you need to determine the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the total distance traveled by adding up the distances covered during each leg of the trip. You stopped for lunch after traveling 10 miles, and then traveled an additional 75 miles before realizing the need for gas. So, the total distance traveled is 10 miles + 75 miles = 85 miles.

Next, let's calculate the total time taken. You left at 12:00 pm and stopped for lunch at 12:30 pm, which means you traveled for 30 minutes. After resuming the trip, you drove for an additional 40 minutes until 1:10 pm. Therefore, the total time taken is 30 minutes + 40 minutes = 70 minutes, or 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Now, to determine the average velocity, you divide the total distance by the total time taken.
Average Velocity = Total Distance / Total Time
= 85 miles / 1.167 hours (conversion: 70 minutes = 1.167 hours)
= 72.92 miles per hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the average velocity at that point in the trip is 72.92 miles per hour.