what is the answer for 3 times a number plus 15 divided by 2


Well it depends what the number is.

well, repeating decimals just keep on repeatin, like 0.0666...the 6 just keeps on repeating. or like .063490634906..the 06349 keeps on repeating.

terminating decimals end, like 0.75. or 025. or 0.125

oops, sorry, i posted for the wrong thing.

Without commas in the English phrasing, it would be 3x + (15/2).

To find the answer to the expression "3 times a number plus 15 divided by 2," you need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. Start with the number in the expression, let's call it "x."
2. Multiply the number by 3: 3 * x.
3. Add 15 to the result of step 2: 3 * x + 15.
4. Divide the result of step 3 by 2: (3 * x + 15) / 2.

Therefore, the answer to the expression "3 times a number plus 15 divided by 2" is (3 * x + 15) / 2. Keep in mind that the value of "x" is not specified in the question, so you'll need to substitute a specific value to get a numerical answer.