In what circumstances would each approach to stakeholder impact analysis (moral standards, 5-question, and Pastin’s approach) be most useful?

The three approaches to stakeholder impact analysis - moral standards, 5-question, and Pastin's approach - each have their own strengths and are useful in different circumstances. Let's discuss when each approach may be most beneficial:

1. Moral Standards Approach:
The moral standards approach is based on ethical principles and standards. It involves assessing stakeholder impact based on universally accepted moral principles, such as fairness, justice, and respect for human rights. This approach is most useful in situations where ethical considerations and moral judgments are crucial. For example, if a company is facing a dilemma that involves potential harm to stakeholders, the moral standards approach can help in determining the right course of action based on ethical principles.

2. 5-Question Approach:
The 5-question approach, also known as the stakeholder analysis framework by Edward Freeman, involves answering five key questions when analyzing stakeholder impact:
- Who are our stakeholders?
- What are their stakes (interests) in the situation?
- What opportunities and challenges do they present?
- What economic, legal, social, and ethical responsibilities do we have towards them?
- What strategies or actions should we take to address their concerns?
This approach is useful when you want to comprehensively understand the entire stakeholder landscape and assess their potential impacts on a particular situation. It helps in identifying and prioritizing stakeholders, understanding their concerns, and determining the most appropriate actions to address those concerns.

3. Pastin's Approach:
Pastin's approach focuses on the ethical dimensions of stakeholder impact, aiming to uncover conflicts between stakeholders' values and the actions of a company. It involves examining the values, beliefs, and expectations of stakeholders to understand their perspectives and potential conflicts. This approach is most helpful in situations where conflicts of values and interests among stakeholders may arise, such as when implementing controversial business practices or policies. By understanding the ethical dimensions and conflicts, companies can make more informed decisions and devise strategies to mitigate the negative impact on stakeholders.

In summary, the moral standards approach is useful for determining ethical actions, the 5-question approach is beneficial for comprehensive stakeholder analysis, and Pastin's approach helps in uncovering conflicts of values and interests. Choosing the most appropriate approach depends on the specific circumstances and focus of stakeholder impact analysis.