I'm doing it on overfishing

I need subtopics :[

how many subtopics do you need?

determining the sustainable catch size

methods of inventorying fish, and when

Why we overfish..

How we can stop/help..
what we overfish..
consquences of overfishing..

Just some ideas to get you going.

as many subtopics as possible, and thanks to everyone that contributed

When it comes to the topic of overfishing, there are several subtopics that you can explore to gain a better understanding of the issue. Here are some subtopics related to overfishing:

1. Causes of overfishing: This subtopic focuses on the factors that contribute to overfishing, such as increased consumer demand, technological advancements in fishing methods, lack of effective regulations, and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

To research this, you can start by looking for scientific articles, reports from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on marine conservation, and government publications related to the causes of overfishing.

2. Environmental impacts: This subtopic delves into the ecological consequences of overfishing, including the depletion of fish populations, disruption of marine food webs, destruction of habitats, and the potential extinction of certain species.

To explore this subtopic, you can search for studies conducted by marine biologists and environmental scientists, as well as reports and publications from conservation organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

3. Economic and social implications: This subtopic examines the economic and social dimensions of overfishing. It explores how overfishing affects the economic livelihoods of fishing communities, food security, and the global economy.

To explore this subtopic, you can refer to economic research papers, reports from international organizations like the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and case studies on the socio-economic impacts of overfishing in different regions.

4. Solutions and conservation measures: This subtopic focuses on the steps being taken to address overfishing and promote sustainable fishing practices. It involves exploring initiatives such as fisheries management, marine protected areas, responsible seafood consumption, and international agreements related to sustainable fisheries.

To research this subtopic, you can refer to academic literature on fisheries management, reports from organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), and information provided by government agencies responsible for fisheries and marine conservation.

Remember, conducting a comprehensive literature review, utilizing scholarly databases, and referring to reputable sources will help you gather accurate information on these subtopics related to overfishing.