Could You Please Check These Thanks.

Directions: Choose the correct word that completes the sentence.

1. Une pomme et une poire sont des ------------. A. fraises B. légumes C. fruits.
Answer: C

2. C'est ------ un kilo de carottes?
A. Comment B. Combien C. Un marchand
Answer: B

3. Il va acheter ------- de moutarde.
A. Un paquet B. Une boîte C. Un pot.
Answer: C

4. Je voudrais six -------- de jambon, s'il vous plait.
A. bouteilles B. tranches C. litres
Answer: B

Directions: Complete with the correct verb of faire.

5. Je ------ les courses le matin.
Answer: Fais

6. Mon frère ------- du latin.
Answer: fait

7. Vous -------- vos devoirs?
Answer: faites

8. Les élèves ne ----- pas la cuisine.
Answer: font

Directions: Choose the right word to complete the sentence.

9. Moi, j'aime beaucoup ------- lait.
A. le B. du C. de
Answer: B

10. Je voudrais ------- eau
A. d' B. de l' C. du
Answer: B

11. Il va acheter ------- fruits et -------- légumes.
A. des B. de C. les
Answer: C

Directions: Rewrite the sentences in the negative.

12. Je vais acheter du pain.
Answer: Ils ne veulent pas acheter du pain.

13. Je voudrais de la crème.
Answer: Ils ne veulent pas de la crème.

Directions: Rewrite these sentences using special adjectives such as (feminine: Bon Masculine: Bon(s)

14. Les carottes sont très bonnes.
Le poisson ------.
Answer: Le poisson est très bon.

15. Tu veux quel sandwich?
Tu veux ------ salade?
Answer: Tu veux quelle salade.

Directions: Complete with the verb of pouvoir, or vouloir.

16. Je -------- faire le travail. (pouvoir)
Answer: peux

17. Vous ------- aller au restaurant?(vouloir)
Answer: voulons

18. Tu ------- aller au marché. (pouvoir)
Answer: peux

19. Ils ------- parler au prof. (vouloir)
Answer: voulent

#3 would make sense as "une boîte"

#11 I think would be "des" because it says,"He is going to buy fruits and vegetables"

For #12-13, you don't change "je" to "ils", and for #12, your're using "aller" so you would use that form for "je", unless it says to use the verb "vouloir"

#17 "Vous voulez"

SraJMcGin can also help you, and she can probably catch more too! :D

9. Moi, j'aime beaucoup ------- lait.

A. le B. du C. de
Answer: B = Instead of saying you like some milk a lot, it's I like milk a lot = A.

11. Il va acheter ------- fruits et -------- légumes.
A. des B. de C. les
Answer: C = Instead of buying (the) fruit and vegetables = with definite ones in mind, I select A. (some fruit and some vegetables) Good call, Amanda!

12. Je vais acheter du pain.
Answer: Ils ne veulent pas acheter du pain. = Why DID you change from "je" to "ils?" MEMORIZE "pas de" = not wanting to buy any (either de or d' after pas) = Je ne vais pas acheter de pain.

13. Je voudrais de la crème.
Answer: Ils ne veulent pas de la crème.
Amanda has done a good job! = Je ne voudrais de crème. (check pas de)

17. Vous ------- aller au restaurant?(vouloir)
Answer: voulons = subject is "vous" and not 'nous" = voulez

19. Ils ------- parler au prof. (vouloir)
Answer: voulent
vouler is an irregular verb: veux, veux, veut, voulons, voulez, veulent

Sra (aka Mme)

To check the answers and understand how to arrive at each answer, here is the breakdown:

1. The correct word that completes the sentence is "C. fruits." To arrive at this answer, you need to know that "pomme" and "poire" are both fruits, so the correct option is "fruits."

2. The correct word that completes the sentence is "B. Combien." To arrive at this answer, you need to understand that "combien" means "how much" or "how many" in English. In this sentence, we are asking for the quantity of "un kilo de carottes."

3. The correct word that completes the sentence is "C. Un pot." To arrive at this answer, you need to know that "moutarde" is typically sold in a pot, so "un pot" is the correct option.

4. The correct word that completes the sentence is "B. tranches." To arrive at this answer, you need to know that when buying ham, you usually ask for a certain number of slices, which is "tranches" in French.

5. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "Fais." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "faire" according to the subject "Je." The correct conjugation is "Fais."

6. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "fait." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "faire" according to the subject "Mon frère." The correct conjugation is "fait."

7. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "faites." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "faire" according to the subject "Vous." The correct conjugation is "faites."

8. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "font." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "faire" according to the subject "Les élèves." The correct conjugation is "font."

9. The correct word to complete the sentence is "B. du." To arrive at this answer, you need to understand that "lait" is masculine and requires the article "du" in French.

10. The correct word to complete the sentence is "B. de l'." To arrive at this answer, you need to understand that "eau" is feminine and requires the contraction "de l'" in French.

11. The correct word to complete the sentence is "C. les." To arrive at this answer, you need to understand that "fruits" and "légumes" are specific items, so the definite article "les" is used.

12. To rewrite the sentence in the negative, it becomes "Ils ne veulent pas acheter du pain." To arrive at this answer, you need to add "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb to form the negative sentence.

13. To rewrite the sentence in the negative, it becomes "Ils ne veulent pas de la crème." To arrive at this answer, you need to add "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb, and change "la crème" to "de la crème" to form the negative sentence.

14. The sentence is already correctly written.

15. To rewrite the sentence using a special adjective, it becomes "Tu veux quelle salade?" To arrive at this answer, you need to change "quelle sandwich" to "quelle salade" to match the feminine noun "salade."

16. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "peux." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "pouvoir" according to the subject "Je." The correct conjugation is "peux."

17. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "voulons." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "vouloir" according to the subject "Vous." The correct conjugation is "voulons."

18. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "peux." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "pouvoir" according to the subject "Tu." The correct conjugation is "peux."

19. The correct verb to complete the sentence is "voulent." To arrive at this answer, you need to conjugate the verb "vouloir" according to the subject "Ils." The correct conjugation is "voulent."