Can someone tell me if this is the correct use of the semi-colon:

One more example of prejudice found in To Kill a Mockingbird, would be that of status; where you stood in society.


See my answer here:

Yes, the use of the semi-colon in your sentence is correct. A semi-colon is used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related to each other. In your sentence, the first independent clause is "One more example of prejudice found in To Kill a Mockingbird" and the second independent clause is "would be that of status; where you stood in society."

To determine if a semi-colon is appropriate, you can consider whether the two clauses could stand as separate sentences, and if they are closely related in meaning. In this case, both clauses are complete thoughts and they are connected by the idea of prejudice in the novel. Therefore, using a semi-colon to separate them is a valid choice.

Well done on correctly using the semi-colon!