What are flat, round, dynamic, and static characters? I have look on a bunch of websites and not one seems to have an answer.

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Flat, round, dynamic, and static are terms commonly used in literature to describe different types of characters. Let's break down each of these terms and explain what they mean:

1. Flat Characters: These characters are relatively two-dimensional and have limited depth or complexity. They often represent a specific stereotype or embody only a few predictable traits. Flat characters typically do not undergo significant changes or growth throughout the story and are often used to support the development of other, more central characters.

2. Round Characters: In contrast to flat characters, round characters are multi-dimensional and exhibit a greater depth of complexity. They are depicted as having a variety of traits, strengths, weaknesses, and conflicted emotions. Such characters are more realistic and are known for their strong development throughout the story. They often evolve, change, or experience personal growth as the narrative progresses.

3. Dynamic Characters: Dynamic characters undergo significant personal transformations, whether psychological, emotional, or behavioral, over the course of the story. These characters learn from their experiences, facing challenges or conflicts that lead them to change their beliefs, values, or worldview. Dynamic characters are typically portrayed as complex and growth-oriented individuals.

4. Static Characters: Static characters, unlike dynamic characters, do not undergo significant inner changes or personal growth throughout the story. These characters can serve various purposes, such as adding stability or providing a point of reference for the reader. They often remain consistent in their attitudes, behaviors, and traits from the beginning to the end of the narrative.

To find more information about these terms and their definitions, engaging directly with literary resources such as textbooks, scholarly articles, or literary analysis books can be more reliable than general websites. Books on literary theory or guides to reading fiction often contain explanations and examples of these character types, which may assist you in obtaining a clearer understanding.