Find all points on the curve x^2y^2+xy=2 where the slope of tangent line is -1.

This is what I got.


x^2*2ydy/dx + 2x*y^2 + x*dy/dx + y =0

dy/dx(2yx^2+x)= -2xy^2-y

dy/dx = (-2xy^2-y)/(x+2yx^2)

how do I finish from here? I need to know where the slop of the tangent line equals -1.

You can insert dy/dx = -1 at this point:

x^2*2ydy/dx + 2x*y^2 + x*dy/dx + y =0

You then get an equation relating x and y. You also know that x and y are on te curve, so they satisfy the equation of the curve:

x^2y^2+xy = 2

So, you have two equations for the two unknowns x and y.

So I put -1 in for dy/dx and got this equation: -2x^2y+2xy-x+y=0. Then would I solve for either x or y and substitute back in to the original equation to get a value for x and y?


I got this for y.



2x^2-2x+x=1 (divide through by y)


what do I from here? It doesn't factor evenly. I'm stuck!

To find the points on the curve where the slope of the tangent line is -1, you need to set the derivative you found equal to -1 and solve for the corresponding values of x and y.

So you have:

(-2xy^2 - y)/(x + 2yx^2) = -1

Multiply both sides by x + 2yx^2 to get rid of the denominator:

-2xy^2 - y = -x - 2yx^2

Rearrange the terms:

2yx^2 - y + 2xy^2 + x = 0

Combine like terms:

2yx^2 + 2xy^2 + x - y = 0

Factor out y:

y(2x^2 + 2xy - 1) + x = 0

Now, you have two cases to consider:

Case 1: y = 0

If y = 0, then the equation becomes x = 0.

So one point on the curve where the slope of the tangent line is -1 is (0, 0).

Case 2: 2x^2 + 2xy - 1 + x = 0

To solve this equation for x and y, you may need to use numerical methods or approximation techniques. One common approach is to use a graphing calculator or software to graph the equation and find its intersection points with the curve x^2y^2 + xy = 2.

Once you have the approximate values of x and y, you can verify if the slope of the tangent line at those points matches -1.