July 2004 the population of the United States was 293,027,571. if more than half of these people live within 80 kilometers of an ocean, about how many people live within that distance

What is half of 293,027,571? That would be a minimum.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To find out how many people live within 80 kilometers of an ocean, we need to calculate more than half of the total population of the United States in July 2004.

Step 1: Find half of the population
293,027,571 ÷ 2 = 146,513,785.5

Step 2: Since we need to consider more than half, we'll round up to the nearest whole number.

So, about 146,513,786 people live within 80 kilometers of an ocean.

To determine the approximate number of people living within 80 kilometers of an ocean in July 2004, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the percentage of the United States population that lives within 80 kilometers of an ocean.
- The question states that more than half of the total population lives within 80 kilometers of an ocean. So, assuming "more than half" means over 50%, we can estimate that around 50% to 60% of the population lives within this distance.

2. Calculate the estimated range of the population within the given percentage.
- Take the total population of the United States in July 2004, which is 293,027,571.
- Multiply the population by the estimated range of the percentage living near an ocean (50% to 60%).

If we assume that 50% to 60% of the population lives within 80 kilometers of an ocean, the calculation would be as follows:
Estimated range: 50% to 60% = 0.5 to 0.6

Minimum estimated number of people: 0.5 * 293,027,571 = 146,513,785.5
Maximum estimated number of people: 0.6 * 293,027,571 = 175,816,542.6

Rounding to the nearest whole number, the estimated range of people living within 80 kilometers of an ocean is approximately 146,514,000 to 175,817,000.

Therefore, based on this approximation, about 146,514,000 to 175,817,000 people lived within 80 kilometers of an ocean in the United States in July 2004.